The North Carolina Letter Carrier

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Director of Retirees               Wayne White

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Know Your Enemies


In any election it is good to know who  your political enemies are. All too often the one you support may in reality not support your best interests and your family. Your candidate may be aligned with your political affiliation but the question you need to be asking is: “Does this candidate really care about me and my family?”

     In this day and age it’s hard to determine where candidates get their funds for running their campaign. Which super PACs support your candidate? Does the PAC have a political agenda which your candidate supports and you support?

     If possible, determine who is funding your candidate. This could be a difficult task. Should the opportunity present itself ask your candidate directly. Or try to obtain a copy of the candidate’s filing of who is providing their funds. This action by every voter should apply to all candidates regardless of their party affiliation.     

     Listed below are some organizations or individuals who contribute millions of dollars to campaigns which do not support the working poor and middle class working Americans. They are the Koch brothers, the American Legislative Executive Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

     These organizations do not support raising the minimum wage. In addition, some of them want to eliminate the U.S. Postal Service, reduce Medicare and Social Security and reduce or eliminate federal retirement and benefits.

     These organizations desire to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), which has provided health insurance for millions of Americans who otherwise would not have coverage.

     All of us need to be vigilant to ensure that when we’re eligible to receive benefits that are rightfully ours, that they are there for us.

     Before you vote, be sure your candidate  supports you. Do not waste your vote this November.


Not For Sale

 Has it ever occurred to you that our democracy is being sold to the highest bidder? How can this happen, you ask?

     In 2009 the Supreme Court issued a ruling in the Citizens United case asserting that corporations were the same as individuals. Our forefathers must be rolling over in their graves at the absurdness of this ruling.

     The Supreme Court was established to protect individual citizens from government abuse. This ruling unleased corporations into our elections with no accountability.

     Stop and analyze this ruling. There is no limit on the amount of money corporations can put on any candidate. Many political action committees have been established to funnel money to the candidates. Corporations are not going to contribute money to politicians without expecting something in return.

     Politicians will do the bidding of those who have paid for their elections—corporations. Some may say, this ain’t going to happen. Do not be gullible. The motivating principle in the operations of corporations is profit.

     All you have to do is look at the assault here in our state on the right to vote. Efforts by the Republican controlled legislature to eliminate voting registration and keep many on the rolls from voting. This is happening all across our country. To fight this attack on our freedom is to get as many people registered and to the polls in the 2016 elections.

     Your right to vote may not survive if we permit corporate money to control future elections. Your government benefits may not be safe if corporate money dictates.

     Some politicians want to privatize all government programs. Imagine a corporation operating the Social Security program for profit deciding if you are going to receive benefits.

     We must do all we can to elect members of Congress who will enact legislation to repeal Citizens United.

     Participate in all elections with a resounding statement: Our democracy is not for sale!



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Be Aware and Alert


While in attendance at the NALC Health Benefit seminar something emerged that our membership should be aware of. In some areas of our country, physicians and medical facilities are attempting to get recipients to cover the disallowed charges. This is not a common practice among health providers.

     If you have received  medical services, please examine each statement received for services rendered. Do not remit reimbursement until you have received a statement from your health insurance provider. Normally, this statement reflects the services performed, the amount charged, the amount disallowed and the balance owed. You may, indeed, have a balance due for services rendered which are not covered by your policy. These charges are owed by the recipient.

     Should you discover that you have been charged the disallowed amount, then contact the medical provider to determine if this is an inadvertent error.

     Should the medical care provider insist that you pay this amount, then contact your health insurance carrier immediately. Hopefully, this does not occur.

     Do not be confused. You will be responsible for those charges not covered by insurance and Medicare. But you are not responsible for disallowed or the discounted amount.    

     Be aware and alert regarding your medical charges.


The 2016 NALC Health Benefit Plan    

There is important information each member of the NALC Health Plan needs to be aware of. The limited space will preclude discussion of every single item. Each member is urged to review the NALC Health Benefit Plan brochure.

     The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requires all plans operating under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP) to offer a new category in their plan entitled Self and One. The name suggests that the premium would be lower. But this is not the case. Before you select this option, study it very carefully. This writer recommends to those who have Self and Family to remain in that category.

     Payments for co-payments are still low whether for doctor’s visits or hospital stay. Please remember if you are scheduled for surgery, please get pre-certification prior to the surgery. Failure to do so could cost you a $500.00 penalty. If it’s an emergency, then get certification in 48 hours. Members on medical care do not have to get pre-certification for surgery.

     Examine all your bills to ensure the medicine, treatment or therapy was performed. The Health Plan has been charged millions of dollars where the services or treatment were never provided. If you suspect fraud in your billing statement, report it to 877-499-7295.

     Each of the Health Plan members will receive Form 1095 to be submitted to the IRS to indicate you are meeting the requirement under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requiring insurance.

     New insurance cards will be issued in December 2015 and will be effective January 1, 2016. Be sure to let your health care providers make a copy for their records.

     Premium increases will be effective for retirees January 1, 2016 and active members January 9, 2016. Increases in premiums are modest. Self and Family is only $6.47 monthly. Review your brochure to determine your premiums.

     Each provider, facility or hospital should be a part of Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). If your provider is not part of a PPO, then it could cost you more money. Ask if they are one of the NALC’s PPOs. If not, then ask if they would become a member. If so, then contact the Health Plan to get them as a member.

     You will have a catastrophic deduction in all illnesses or accident deemed as the amount would be determined by the severity of your condition. Whenever blood analysis is necessary, please request your physician use LabCorp or Quest. NALC HBP will pay 100 percent of the charge.

     Should your medical condition require a specialty type of drug, then you have to obtain prior approval. The number to call is 800-237-2767.

     Before treatment can begin for  mental or drug treatment, you need pre-certification. That phone number is 855-511-1893.

     Once again, let me urge all of you to keep your brochure close at hand for easy reference. Should you fail to find an answer to your question, then call NALC Health Plan Customer Service at 1-888-636-6252.



NALC HBP Chart Comparing the Plan to Blue Cross/Blue Shield and the Savings in Each Category by Enrolling or Staying With The HBP


Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Hi Option Self Only
Hi Option Family

Value Option

Basic Self
Self & Family

27.63 x 26 = 718.38

79.39 x 26 = 2,064.14

21.07 x 26 = 547.82

59.37 x 26 = 1,543.62

Health Insurance - Retired Carriers


Hi Self
Hi Self & Family
Basic Self
Basic Self & Family

59.87 x 12 = 718.44

172.36 x 12 = 2,068.32

123.68 x 12 = 1,484.16

152.97 x 12 = 1,835.64


What Will Happen?

If you were to say the future is an uncertainty as it pertains to federal employees and federal retirees, that would be an understatement. No one has a crystal ball that will predict the exact future. The current Congress will not be a supporter, especially the Republicans, as it concerns benefits for federal employees and federal retirees. This opinion is based on past Republican performances and the political rhetoric in the last campaign.

     Most of the Republicans seem determined to reduce and eliminate all programs which benefit the working class of all Americans. You can be sure that the Postal Service will follow the lead of Congress in the next round of contractual negotiations to reduce benefits for active postal employees.

     Postal retired employees should be concerned with two possible areas that could see reductions.

     The annual cost of living added to the retirement check could be reduced or eliminated. And another area of possible attack are retirees’ health benefits. Congress could direct the Office of Personnel Management to increase health insurance premiums as well as reduce benefits under the Health Plan. Never forget that benefits enacted by Congress could be repealed by actions of Congress.

     The tax breaks given to corporations, such as $5 billion yearly to all companies along with the tax breaks for corporations who move their operations overseas along with their corporate headquarters, has done more to increase the national debt than the programs for middle class and working Americans. Be assured, as long as Republicans control Congress, no benefits for the wealthy will be reduced.

     Do you recall the motto of the Boy Scouts of America? “Be prepared.” Who knows what action may be necessary to protect our benefits. We may have to email, text and make phone calls to our congressmen and senators.

     It’s possible we could have to walk picket lines and have public demonstrations. Are you prepared to fight to protect your benefits? This is a question each one of us must ask individually.

     No one has a crystal ball to foretell exactly what will happen. Hopefully, it will be beneficial to all Americans.

     Our one hope against regressive legislation is that President Obama will veto such legislation.

     Whatever happens between now and the next elections, we must be prepared to take appropriate action!

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Are You Ready? Really?

Sooner or later everyone has to face the reality that retirement is approaching. It’s a life changing decision for the individual as well as the entire family. It is not a decision to be rushed or treated lightly. All parties involved should have input in the final decision.

     It could be that a health problem or disability have priority in a retirement decision. If this is the situation in which you find yourself, then your health care provider should have considerable input.

     Prior to making the final decision one must address financial requirements. First, determine what is your net monthly income from your pension. An analysis of your monthly income is a must. Set aside what you can afford to ensure that an unexpected expense will not disrupt your budget.

     It could be that you may have to seek other employment after retirement. Should this be necessary, be sure to evaluate your physical ability.

     When you retire, be sure to stay active. Find something you want to do. Being active is good for your overall health, mentally and physically. Studies have shown that active seniors are more healthy than those not active. An active mind for seniors is a mental asset as it enhances your memory.

     Ask yourself, “Am I the person who can deal with boredom?” Stay busy for your own good. There are many churches and civic organizations which use volunteers to meet their community mission. Additionally, it will provide you with the feeling of helping those who may be less fortunate than yourself. Circumstances in life change from day to day. The scriptures teach us, ‘No man knows what a day may bring forth.’

     You must not overlook the fact that your retirement benefits are controlled by Congress. Your benefits are not engraved in stone. Congress can enact laws that can alter your benefits.

     Recent sessions of Congress show that some members are advocating a change in benefits: health care insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. There are those in Congress who believe that because we draw a pension that we are pigs at the government trough. The members accuse us of entitlements. Be alert and watch congressional action in this regard.

     The benefits retirees receive are not entitlements but earned benefits. Each of us contributed over the years for our retirement. Congressional action could affect those under civil service, federal employees retirement system, Social Security, etc.

     If you feel all things fit your requirements for retirement, then it is time to go. May the retirement years be the best for you and your family.


What Will Happen?

If you were to say the future is an uncertainty as it pertains to federal employees and federal retirees, that would be an understatement. No one has a crystal ball that will predict the future.

     The incoming Congress, especially Republicans, will not be a supporter as it concerns benefits for federal employees and federal retirees. This opinion is based on past Republican performances and the political rhetoric in the last campaign.

     Most of the Republicans seem determined to reduce and eliminate all programs which benefit the working class. And be sure that the Postal Service will follow the congressional lead in the next round of contract negotiations to reduce benefits for active postal employees.

     Postal retired employees should be concerned with two possible areas which could see reduction: (1) The annual cost of living added to the retirement check could be reduced or eliminated.

     In addition, (2) Congress could direct the Office of Personnel Management to increase health insurance premiums as well as reduced benefits under the health plan.

     Never forget that benefits enacted by Congress could be repealed by Congress.

     The tax breaks given to corporations, such as the $5 billion annually to oil companies, along with the tax breaks for corporations that move their operations overseas along with their corporate headquarters, has done more to increase the national debt than the programs for the middle class and working Americans.

     Be assured, as long as the Republicans control Congress no benefits for the wealthy will be reduced.

     Do you recall the motto of the Boy Scouts of America? Be prepared. Who knows what action may be necessary to protect our benefits. We may have to email, text and phone our congressman and senators. Eventually, we may have to take to the picket lines and participate in public demonstrations.

     Are you prepared to fight to protect your benefits? This is a question each one of us must ask individually. No one has a crystal ball to foretell exactly what will happen in 2015. Hopefully, it will be beneficial to all Americans.

     Our one hope against regressive legislation is that President Obama will veto it. Be prepared for whatever will happen in 2015.


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Who’s the Culprit?

The Postal Service likes to point their finger at craft employees when violence between employees occurs. All too often the craft employee is responsible.

     However, an examination of underlying causes may possibly reveal a greater contributor to violence than craft employees. It’s the opinion of this writer that postal management is the greater cause of violence on the workroom floor.

     How many times have you witnessed confrontations on the workroom floor between an employee and a supervisor?

     Postal management likes to utilize intimidation and fear to manage. Many managers don’t know how to manage. This includes the upper echelon of postal management.

     The question to be addressed is how can a manager be removed from the workroom floor when they work many miles away?    

     Long distance managers use e-mails, texts and phone calls to manage offices. This action takes the initiative away from local management who know more about the local conditions than a desk-occupier.

     Management by electronics leaves a lot to be desired. Electronics can be an effective tool but not in every situation.

     Another potential contributor to violence in the workplace is the unrealistic expectations of management. The last few years have seen a big reduction in postal employees. There has been a downturn in first class mail. This would generate a reduction in employees. However, there has been a sharp increase in our parcel business. This increase has been a finance saver.

     Remember, letter carriers have to take the same number of steps, drive the same number of miles on a daily basis. Not withstanding the loss of first class mail, most routes have seen additional stops added to their routes.

     Thus, upper level management  is responsible for the unrealistic work hours. When management has to utilize unrealistic work hours, then there has to be consequences. Sometimes those consequences are violent.

    But to place the entire blame on postal management for violence would be a mistake. Some employees are addicted to drugs, alcohol and gambling. Also, pressure at home or outside of the home may cause undue pressure on the employee. All too often, craft employees fail to utilize the assistance of EAP. This program can offer valuable assistance. Don’t ignore EAP. Use it before there are violent confrontations.

     Should you find yourself in a hostile confrontation, walk away. If the supervisor challenges you for walking away, inform them that you felt threatened by the supervisor’s tone, manner and attitude.

     Do the same with belligerent fellow employees. Do not be the culprit in a violent confrontation.


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USPS's Big Time Failure: PMG Pat Donahoe

Donahoe’s Failure

Life at times presents opportunities for one to enhance their position in life or business. These opportunities do not come along too often. When opportunities do appear, one must avail themselves of them.

     Case in point: last year’s holiday mailing season. The Postal Service’s major competitors: FedEx and UPS suffered severe and major setbacks in their delivery operations. This was a public relations nightmare for our competitors.

     The national news media used this fiasco as a lead story several days running. Our competitors had to employ many employees as well as utilize all of their equipment to deliver their backlog of parcels. It is apparent our competitors were overwhelmed by the holiday mailings due to poor preparation.

     The Postal Service may have experienced some delay but nothing compared to the problems experienced by our competitors. This provides an excellent opportunity for the Postal Service to utilize this problem in their national advertising. If the Service doesn’t avail itself to highlight the USPS success during the past holiday season then it will be PMG Donahoe’s failure.

     A positive ad campaign to the American public could remind them of the minimal delivery problems encountered by USPS.

     One of the positive points to stress is that USPS touches every address in America—commercial or residential.

     Another positive point should be addressed is that USPS is the originator of parcel delivery. USPS is still meeting the needs of the American mailing public with minimal difficulty.

     But have you seen any commercial emphasizing the strength of the service delivery to every address or the Postal Service did not experience the fiasco as others did in the delivery parcel business? The answer is No. This must be interpreted as Donahoe’s failure.

     Whoever in postal management is in charge of marketing should not let this opportunity go by and should turn our competitors’ failure into a success story for us during the upcoming holiday season.

     The Postal Service should remind the American mailing public to let the originator of parcel delivery handle their products. It should turn our competitors’ failure in 2013 into an overwhelming success during the 2014 holiday mailing season.

     If it doesn’t, it will once again be yet another failure for Postmaster General Pat Donahoe.




This retired carrier would like to relate observations of actions by carriers in the performance of their duties. The uniform business places this writer in offices throughout eastern North Carolina. These observations are presented not as criticism but to remind active letter carriers that their actions have consequences.

     One item of concern is the manner in which carriers handle their accountables in the p.m. Carriers are usually in a hurry to get off the clock in the p.m. Carriers go to the accountable cage to be cleared. All too often there is no clerk in the cage to clear the carrier. Carriers have been observed laying their receipts or items on the ledge or on the floor for someone to clear the carrier.

     Remember, the carrier is responsible for all accountables obtained and signed. The carrier leaving the items for clearance prevents their obtaining Form 3821, a form to reflect the carrier’s clearance of accountables.

     Should there be no one in the accountable cage to clear you, you should stand there until someone comes to clear you. It is postal management’s responsibility to staff the accountable cage. Besides, you are on the clock. Do not forget to get your Form 3821 signed.

     Should the carrier lose the accountables or fail to be cleared, the carrier could  be liable for financial restitution. The Postal Service could file an employer’s claim under the Contract for lost accountables. Such actions could create financial hardship for the carrier and their family.

    Other observations pertain to carrier safety. This writer has observed carriers driving in unsafe manners by driving with their doors open, down the street, through intersections, making turns with the door still open. And if this is not unsafe enough, the seat belt is unbuckled.

     Recently, a carrier was delivering in a cul-de-sac with his seat belt unbuckled. Subsequently, he fell out of the truck causing injury to himself and damage to the vehicle. When he had recovered from his injuries, discipline ensued.

     Do you drive with your cell phone in your hand? This writer has observed carriers driving down the street with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding a cell phone. Please, under no circumstances should you text while driving. It is against the law to text while driving in North Carolina. Cell phones are great resources but improper handling could be a curse.

     If you talk while driving, get a Bluetooth or earpiece. This permits you to drive with both hands on the steering wheel while conversing on the phone. Do not take unnecessary chances while driving. It is your life.

     Postal management’s mission is for the carrier to finish the route as fast as possible without overtime or auxiliary assistance. Do not let management pressure you to commit unsafe acts during the delivery of your route. Always deliver your route in a safe manner. Never ask for overtime or auxiliary assistance when you don’t need it. Haste makes waste.

     These observations are presented in hopes that each carrier will evaluate their handling of accountable mail and their driving habits.


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NALC Health Benefit Plan: Changes Are Coming


2014 will bring changes to the NALC Health Benefit Plan. Some of these changes are generated to make health care affordable to all employees.

     The current NALC High Option will remain primarily as it is with minor changes. The premiums increased a little over a dollar a month.

     The new plans are the Consumer Driven Plan and the and the Value Option Plan. These plans were created primarily to provide health coverage to our CCAs who are members of the NALC. CCAs are entitled to enroll in any option of the NALC Health Plan. They must be members of the NALC.

     Any NALC member can enroll in any of the options. This is available to retirees as well. Open season for enrollment or changing options is from Nov. 11 through Dec. 9, 2013. The reduced premiums in the two new options will be attractive to some. However, do not be seduced by the lure of lower premiums.

     It cannot be stressed too vigorously that when you receive lower premiums you receive reduced benefits. Please study the NALC Health Benefits brochure before reaching a conclusion. Discussions should be held within the family to ensure the option selected will cover you or your family’s health care needs.

     Retirees should realize, even on Medicare, that lesser benefits would cause more out of pocket expense. This would create problems where there is very limited income. Retirees, before changing from the NALC High Option, be sure you could afford the reduction in benefits.

     The Postal Service is developing its own health care plan for non-career postal employees (CCAs, PSE clerks, casuals, etc). Details of the plan have not as yet been released. Thus the benefits or the premiums are unknown at this time. Non-career employees stay tuned.

     CCAs cannot obtain health benefit insurance until they begin their second 360 day tenure. However, this doesn’t apply should the CCA be converted to a Regular employee. At that time the CCAs are eligible to enroll in health care even if during their first year of employment.

     CCAs will receive $125 per pay period to defer the cost of their health plan. The Postal Service will reimburse the insurance carrier.

     Once again, I must stress to review every aspect of any decision to purchase a cheaper plan be weighed carefully. Decisions have consequences. This writer has no intention of switching from the NALC higher option to one of the others. Before you change, think about it.


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Do I Need a Living Will?


Everyone should have a last will and testament containing instructions for the disposal of their property at death. But have you and your family addressed another important issue—how to handle your medical decisions in the event you are incapacitated for whatever reason?


This normally is not a topic for discussion at the dinner table, however, every adult should give this serious and deep thought whatever your age. The young also become incapacitated.


You are entitled to have your wishes known as it pertains to medical treatment or your wishes to decline medical treatment. Some people may not desire certain medical treatment if there are no assurances of positive results.


Your living will would provide instructions on your treatment should you become terminally ill, incapacitated or unable to communicate your wishes. A living will will protect your rights as well as relieve the burden of medical decisions from your family, friends and your physician. This would remove tremendous emotional stress.


A living will could cover many different types of treatment such as the following:

  • Use of life sustaining equipment.
  • Do not resuscitate instructions.
  • Artificial hydration and nutrition (tube feeding).
  • Withholding of food and liquids.
  • Palliative care (symptom management to improve your quality of life).
  • Organ and tissue donation.

 Most states require a document containing a living will to be witnessed. It is advisable to have an attorney to draw up the document. Copies should be given to your family, your physician, and a copy placed where important papers are retained. Keep a card in your wallet or purse advising others you have a living will and where it’s located should you be unable to communicate.


A person can designate a health care provider to make medical decisions on their behalf. This document is called a Durable Power of Attorney. If this is the course of action pursued, then the document needs to be signed, dated, witnessed, notarized, copied and distributed to the appropriate parties, as well as placed in the signee’s medical records.


Should you decide to make a living will, a review of state law is a must. It could be very emotional for your family to discover your living will is not in compliance with state law.


Have a discussion with your family about a living will if you are leaning this way. It would be very beneficial to your close family members. You may decide not to have a living will. It is not a decision to be made hastily but after careful deliberations. Should you have no living will, others will make your medical decisions if you are incapacitated.


Acknowledgement is given to NARFE magazine, March 2012 for an article written by Dr. Marilyn S. Radke for inspiration and material utilized.



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The Dismantling of the Postal Service


     Everyone is aware of the financial difficulties facing the Postal Service. Many factors have played into this problem, especially the technology advances of the past decade: the advent of e-mail, on-line banking, business     contacts, etc.


     It’s highly unlikely there will be a large return of first-class mail to the Service. However, to blame the slow demise of the Postal Service on the electronic age would be to ignore the facts.


     Let’s examine some hard, indisputable facts. The problem began in December 2006 under a Republican president (George W. Bush) and Republican Congress. An amendment was attached  to legislation requiring the Postal Service to fund retirement benefits for the next 75 years. This had to be paid in the next 10 years.


     President Bush signed the legislation into law. There has been political speculation as to why this legislation was necessary. The Postal Service had always met its retirement obligations. Or, perhaps, there is a political conspiracy by corporations to eventually take possession of the Postal Service. The Republicans were very aware that the Democrats would assume leadership in both Houses of Congress in January 2007.


     The question must be asked, where was the outcry from former Postmaster General John Potter or other top postal managers that the legislation would eventually cripple the Service? Why the silence? Did postal managers have lockjaw?


     This legislation imposed a heavy burden on the Service.

     And then came the economic slowdown. Many of our customers curtailed their utilization of direct mail to all Americans. There is no more effective means of advertising than direct mail. Curtailment of this type of mail had an adverse impact on the revenue of the Service. The Service could have met its financial obligations with little problem had not Congress placed the retirement benefits burden on the Service.


     The public is now witnessing the dismantling of the Service: Post offices are being closed, consolidation of city and rural routes from one office to another, etc. Window hours have been reduced, encouraging our customers to seek alternate sources. Savings alleged by the   Service are highly questionable.


     Career employees have been reduced in all crafts. Many career retirements are replaced by temporary employees (TEs) or casuals. These employees have little chance of becoming career employees.


     Implementation of high price technology may bring future savings, but one would wonder. The financial security of the Service is not guaranteed. The Service’s future would be a lot more secure if Congress would enact legislation to remove the retirement burden. But don’t hold your breath—you may die from lack of oxygen.


     Should the Postal Service cease to exist, it would place the blame where it began in December 2006: a Republican Congress and a Republican president launched a frontal attack on the Postal Service.


     There has always been those who have wanted to privatize the Postal Service. Should this occur, there will be no cheap mail service.


     The Postal Service is a labor intensive organization. A downsizing of the Postal Service is an attack on organized labor. The Service is a highly unionized employer. All of us have a stake in the survival of the Service. We must work  together to stop the dismantling.


What Price Integrity?


     Integrity is a priceless character trait! It must be earned and developed to be respected. A person or an organization without integrity is nothing but a sounding brass or tinkling cymbal. That’s a Biblical reference indicating no substance.

     My article in the September issue of The North Carolina Letter Carrier was entitled “When a Felony is Not a Felony.” The article detailed the actions of a postal manager who intercepted and delayed a Step B appeal from Branch 876.  The appeal had been placed in the mail stream by a window clerk with correct postage affixed. The post office’s manager removed that appeal from the outgoing mail. The actions of the manager was a violation of federal law. His actions were further complicated by failure to place the appeal back in the mail stream for one month.

     Reasonable people would expect the postal manager to receive some type of reprimand. The manager did drop out of sight for a few weeks. Then he resurfaced in the Raleigh area working in a managerial position. Subsequently, the manager was promoted to postmaster.

     What is the message sent by higher postal management to all employees in promoting the perpetrator  to a postmaster’s position? One may surmise that there are certain managers who can commit a felony with impunity. Is this the message management wanted to convey? If so, then there is a serious deficit of integrity in the Postal Service.

     Will future news releases coming out of Washington or district offices be truthful, or will the Postal Service be playing games with its employees and the American public? The actions of management does suggest that the Good Ole Boys Network is alive and well in North Carolina. Management takes care of one of their own.


     Another point to consider: will the next postal employee, craft or management who commits a felony be permitted to continue postal employment? Should it be a craft employee, the response would be a resounding No. If a manager is the employee in question, then that employee may continue employment, especially if they’re a member of the Good Ole Boys Network.

     Mr. Postmaster General, are you aware of the lack of integrity in your subordinates? Or is this a reflection of the lack of integrity at headquarters in Washington? You are informing the American public of the tremendous challenges facing the Postal Service. Do you believe these challenges can best be met with integrity at all levels of postal management?

     Conversely, the officers of the NALC at all levels of the union should exemplify the highest level of integrity in dealings with postal management and the membership. Let us not be accused (the NALC) of underhanded dealings.

     Permit me to reiterate that integrity is a priceless commodity.  Once integrity is forfeited, it takes some effort for it to be reestablished. Let’s put the issue before the Postal Service once again...what price integrity?


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Your NALC Health Benefits

     One of the responsibilities of the Director of Retirees is to be a delegate to the NALC Health Benefit seminar. This is my report to the membership on the October 2011 seminar held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The membership is urged to read the report carefully.

     When you receive your NALC Health Benefit brochure, you should familiarize yourself with its contents. Page 29 begins the list of benefits. You will receive a list of PPO providers in your area when you receive this information. Keep it handy in the event you need medical services. If at all possible, utilize PPO providers. This will save you out-of-pocket expenses.

      You may find a provider listed as an OAP provider. OAP is Open Access Plus. Should you utilize an OAP provider, that is a part of our PPO network. However, these providers save the Health Plan between 3 to 5 percent.

     Please be advised that there are some procedures which require recertification. Do not let your provider perform one of these procedures without prior approval. If this occurs you will lose benefits. The procedures are as follows: CT/CAT scan; MRI; MRA; NC; PET.

     Be sure to inform your provider. Prior approval from the Plan is an absolute requirement and must be medically necessary.

      There has been an increase in co-payment from $15 to $20. This is a nominal increase but necessary. Review the Health Plan brochure to determine which service requires co-pay.

      The CIGNA shared administration network has the following:

      6,860 acute general care hospitals.

      13,554 facilities.

      1,582,398 specialists and primary care physicians.

      120 experienced organ and tissue transplant facilities. CIGNA ‘s Life Source Transplant Network is also known as Centers of Life.

      Some providers are not members of a PPO or OAP program. Should a provider not be a member, ask if they would become a member. If so, then you can contact the Plan to nominate your provider. Remember, some physicians are members of a PPO but not OAP.

Fraud is a threat to our Plan’s benefits and is a high priority of the Plan. Never be a party to fraud. There are serious consequences if found guilty. Every statement you receive should be analyzed very thoroughly to ensure all charged services were received and medically necessary. Never hesitate to question your provider if you believe a charge seems in error. If you suspect fraud, report your suspicions to the Plan.


     Walgreen’s drug stores will be a part of the NALC drug plan effective January 1, 2012.

Each member will receive new membership cards in the next few weeks. These cards are effective January 1, 2012. Please discard your old cards to avoid confusion. Be sure to let your medical providers make copies after January 1.

      CIGNA has a health rewards program which will be available to the membership. The Plan does not cover the rewards program, but the membership can receive discounts. This program covers many aspects of your personal health. The phone number for this program is 1-800-558-9443. Check it out; there may be a program which could enhance your health.

The Health Plan has a program for smokers who want to quit. Should you be serious about quitting, call Smokers Cessation at 1-800-784-8454.

      Should you have questions about the drugs you are taking, contact the Plan’s drug program at 1-800-933-6252.

      Some members have been prescribed very costly specialty drugs. Prior to you taking any of these drugs inform your provider. These drugs must be pre-certified. The provider will have to show that these drugs are medically necessary.

      Annuitants who want to change plans or have questions pertaining to their status must contact the Office of Personnel Management at 1-888-767-6738.

     Health care cost is one of the major contributors to our current economic problems. The escalating cost of health care generates an increase in premiums. It should be noted that the NALC Health Benefit Plan has worked diligently to keep premiums as low as possible. All members should be pleased with the new rates announced for 2012. The rates are as follows:

      Active letter carrier (self), $74.67 biweekly, an increase of $.53 over 2011.

      Active letter carrier (high family), $151.20, an increase of $.13 over 2011.

      Annuitants (self), $161.78 per month, increase of $1.14 over 2011.

      Annuitants (high family), $327.60 a month, $.28 over 2011.

      As you can see, our premiums remained basically the same. Compare the NALC benefits and premiums with our major competitors. It’s going to be difficult to find a better plan. Remember, as a NALC member you own the Plan. Why not come home during Open Season, November 14, 2011 until December 12, 2011?

      Once again, please keep your Health Plan brochure along with your list of PPO providers for your area close at hand for quick reference.

      The membership owns the Plan, but the Office of Personnel Management regulates and oversees the Plan. OPM determines the rates and benefits.

      Hopefully, this article has provided information you can use. It’s time for you to step up and support the NALC Health Benefit Plan.